Parameter specification
Parameters are placeholders for problem data, and may be used in the objective
and constraints. Parameter values are not given until the generated solver is
called. Parameters are specified by a name, dimension and optional attributes.
Dimensions can use symbolic values from dimensions blocks.
CVXGEN supports scalar, vector and matrix parameters, as well as indexed parameters.
Some examples (assuming m and n were specified in a
dimensions block):
parameters A (m,n) b (m) c (2*m) Q (n,n) symmetric psd a nonnegative end
Each dimension will be assumed 1 if omitted.
Valid attributes are nonnegative, nonpositive, psd, nsd and
symmetric and diagonal.
You may prefer using the abbreviated attributes nonneg or nonpos, or,
informally, positive or negative.
If a parameter is diagonal, it is worth using that attribute, as it will
improve performance.
Columns will be set to rows if a parameter is symmetric.
Parameter dimensions can be integers, or simple arithmetic expressions
involving dimensions.
The parameter name must consist only of numbers, letters and underscores, and
must start with a letter or an underscore.
Sparse parameters
CVXGEN supports sparse parameters; that is, parameters with only certain
specific entries non-zero. To specify a sparse matrix , for example, use the syntax
parameters A (3,5) {1,1 2,2 3,3 3,4 3,5 2,5 1,5} end
Here, is a matrix, with nonzero entries . With the C interface, these will be stored in the
order declared, so params.A[0] will be the entry, and params.A[6]
will be the entry.
If you are using the Matlab interface, pass in a dense matrix. Only the
indicated entries will be used, and all other entries will be ignored, even if
Treat symmetric matrices in an identical way: declare diagonals once, and
declare and set non-zero off-diagonals for both the and entries.